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  3. Innovative Logistics Service
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Your company will have the following improvements through innovating the current store re-stocking system of stocking each store from a multiple of logistics centers to that of an integrated logistics operations, which have ultra high-precision quality, speed and system.
  1) The establishment of conditions in which store staff can focus on sales activities,
2) The disuse or minimization of the“back rooms,”
3) The elimination of loss of sales opportunities,
4) The improvement of cash-flow through enhanced turnover efficiency.
In addition, your business itself will be innovated through the achievement of.
  5) Significant reduction in freight costs through integrated logistics → CO2 emissions reduction → Environmental progressive efforts,
6) The reduction of total logistics costs, as a natural result of the innovation.
The above is merely one example of Maruni's“INNOVATION IN LOGISTICS.”We propose “THE MOST SUITABLE & COMPETITIVE INNOVATIONS,”readily responding to the circumstances and needs of each and every one of our clients.

Logistics Services
・Service Menu
・Procurement - Sales Logistics Services
・Strategic Logistics Services
・Document Storage/Management Services
・Logistics Solutions